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If you’re a UX professional or a company looking to enhance your digital products, this case study may be helpful. It shares insights on simplifying complexity through UX content strategy and how involving UX professionals early on can make a difference.

Click, whirr, done: Building effortless robot animations

Welcome to a case study that explores Butter MAS Composer’s onboarding redesign. As a dedicated UX content strategist my journey revolved around transforming intricate technical steps into user-friendly language.

Butter MAS Composer is a software that simplifies robot animation for non-developers. It provides value by shifting the control of robot animation to researchers and designers. For this reason, the software holds immense potential. However, its initial onboarding was intricate and unintuitive.

Behind the clicks: My UX design approach

Two concepts tend to drive my process, and this project was no exception:

  1. Simplify: Make onboarding user-friendly
  2. Empower: Help all users create robot animations confidently

To empower users and simplify software, apps, and websites, the first step is always conducting research. In January 2023, I took a deep dive into the product’s market. Analyzing this research, I extracted valuable insights from conversation mining and competitor analysis: